Adult Learning
Adult Education classes are an important way that we encourage lifelong learning and personal growth at Temple Sinai. Rabbi Jay TelRav, Cantor Micah Morgovsky and other qualified professionals conduct a wide variety of programs, workshops and seminars, including an adult B'nai Mitzvah class and Confirmation class.
Weekly Torah Study
Friday - Lunch ‘n Learn with others who are carefully reading the entire Jewish Bible together. This group is geared for beginners, and led by our professional staff; all are welcome, no experience (nor Torah knowledge) required. Drop in on Fridays at noon.
Saturday - Rabbi Eugene B. Borowitz Memorial Bible Study – weekly Shabbat morning study with others who value the art of Jewish engagement through study and discussion. Ancient values become modern as we navigate the complexities and learn about ourselves along the way. All are welcome, no experience (nor Torah knowledge) required.
Click here to view Torah Study sessions on the calendar
Judaism Bootcamp - Starting Fall 2022/5783
This class will move fast and cover a lot of ground but for those who want a “down and dirty” version of the hows and the whys of Jewish life, this is the course for you. Just as an example, we will cover the meaning and choreography of certain prayers, holiday practices and rituals as well as Jewish teachings about God, afterlife and spirituality. This is for those who went through religious school and still feel like they have a lot to learn (or relearn) and it is also meant for those who simply want to continue their journey with the Jewish community feeling better informed. No prerequisite knowledge required. It is open to Jews by birth, Jews by choice, those who are on the path to conversion or those who have considered it and it is open to non-Jews who are just interested in learning more…all are welcome.
Adult Education Series - Transgenerational Punishment - March 2023/5783
There are plenty of themes in the Bible to recoil at but one that bothers plenty of people is the verse in Exodus, “the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children.” That doesn’t seem fair! What are they talking about? And why should you be punished for your parents’ choices? We’ll explore the ancient explanation for this sort of precept and the modern value that it still holds in our lives. Bring your coffee and enjoy some casual Sunday morning conversation in our building which will be buzzing with the energy of others’ learning. No prior knowledge required.
Mussar - A Jewishly-informed contemporary approach to character refinement using ancient texts
An ongoing experience for adults interested in working towards acting in accordance with their best self. Created by the rabbinic leaders of the late 18th century, Mussar is a program designed to lead participants through a careful examination (leading to modification) of our middot - our character traits. For more detail or to read about the origins of mussar, follow this link to The Mussar Institute. To learn more about the Mussar group at Temple Sinai, reach out to Rabbi TelRav.
ZenTangle® – a meditative art form
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, meditative art form. It is a relaxing and fun way to create structured patterns out of which emerge beautiful images like the one to the right. A regular Zentangle practice increases focus and creativity and provides artistic satisfaction, along with an increased sense of personal well-being. Join Cantor Micah Morgovsky in an exploration of this beautiful, artistic, mindfulness practice. Zentangle can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of skill, experience, or artistic training. These classes are suitable for beginners and experienced "tanglers" alike – we’ll continue to incorporate Zentangle basics while exploring new Zentangle patterns and techniques.