Bear Mountain Brotherhood retreat hike
Building Sukkah 2024
2024 annual Brotherhood Smokin' BBQ
As the men's affiliate group of Temple Sinai, our goal is to strengthen the ties of our congregation and our community through service. Brotherhood offers meaningful programs throughout the year, such as our our annual Mitzvah Day Smokin' BBQ, the annual Political Brunch and annual Brotherhood retreats. We also have monthly social events to connect with other Sinai Brotherhood members that help form bonds for an even greater sense of community at our shul.
We'd love to welcome you to our next event and look forward to working with our members to continue providing outstanding programs that allow us to connect, learn and contribute within our Temple Sinai community.
All our welcome to attend our Brotherhood quarterly meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for fun and camaraderie while planning activities that enhance temple life and our community.
Brotherhood membership is FREE for the first year for our new members. Paying a yearly membership for Brotherhood dues will help make the coming year even more successful than the last!
For more information on Temple Sinai Brotherhood; please email us at
Upcoming events
Here are some upcoming events sponsored by Brotherhood. Save the date!
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 1 , 2025Brotherhood Pickleball Outing
Shabbat, Feb 1st 11:30a to 1:30p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 9 , 2025Brotherhood Chili Challenge
Sunday, Feb 9th 11:30a to 12:30p
Friday ,
MayMay 16 , 2025Men's Retreat
Friday, May 16th 6:00p to Sunday, May 18th 12:00p
Wed, January 22 2025
22 Tevet 5785
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