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Sounds of Sinai


Shabbat Music

Cantor Micah is always on the lookout for the newest and best of Jewish Music.  Though she teaches them to us slowly and carefully, it might help you to listen ahead of time and get a head start on making them your own.  The sooner you don't stumble on the words or the notes, the sooner they can begin to touch your heart!  These are some of our favorites:

Hinei Mah Tov (Arian)   Recording*/Text

Miriam's Song (Friedman)    Recording/Text

Shalom Aleichem (Friedman)   Recording*/Text

Shalom Rav ( Klepper)   Recording*/Text

Tov L'Hodot (Glazer)      Recording/Text

Kehillah Kedoshah (Nichols)  Video

* This recording is of Temple Sinai's Ruach Ensemble performing this piece live
 This is a special, edited video of the Ruach members singing and playing this piece from their individual Covid Lockdown locations


High Holidays

Music has a powerful ability to transport us to important moments in our past and important places in our soul.  The stirring melodies of the Holy Days are among the most recognizable and nostalgic.  These are some of our favorites:

Kol Nidrei - Played by Vincent Lionti & Alex Ruvenshteyn  Recording

Kol Nidrei - Played by Noah Dorfsman and Alex Ruvenshteyn  Video




Prayer Resources

These are some of the most commonly used prayers from our worship services.  If you are getting stuck on pronunciation or would like to talk with one of us about what the prayers mean to you, be sure to reach out to either Rabbi TelRav or Cantor Morgovsky.

ברכו - Barchu   Recording/Text

ואהבת - V'Ahavta (and You Shall Love)   Recording/Text

Amidah Prayers

   אבות ואמהות - Avot/Imahot (Patriarchs and Matriarchs) Recording/Text
   גבורות - G'vurot (Power) Recording/Text

Torah Blessings (Before the reading) Recording/Text
Torah Blessings (After the reading) Recording/Text

Avodat HaLev Prayers

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785