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Please donate generously to funds that resonate with your spiritual and practical sensibilities. When specifying an amount, only use numbers (no $ signs, commas or decimal points). Also, the minimum total contribution is 18 dollars. Thank you for contributing. Know that it goes to support a good cause!
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Cantorial Endowment Fund: To offset the added cost of a Cantor for Temple Sinai.
Larry Cohen Fund: To support programs and activities for preschoolers, including babysitting for pre-school children during morning High Holy Day or other services. In addition, any income beyond the amount required for High Holy Day babysitting shall also be available to support the kindergarten program in the Religious School, provided that in the event that the Congregation decides to charge fees or tuition to kindergarten families in the future, the Fund shall then be reserved exclusively for non-kindergarten preschool programming and babysitting.
Legacy Endowment Fund: To provide resources to retain professional staff and to provide for the general financial health of the Temple
Manaly Youth Camp Fund: To provide camping scholarships, which will encourage children of Temple Sinai members to attend the camps of the Reform movement.
Rabbinic Endowment Fund: To ensure that Temple Sinai has funds in perpetuity to pay for the employment of the rabbi of its choice, serving as a supplemental income source to general revenues now derived in part from dues and fund raising.
Religious School Endowment Fund: To offset expenses of Temple Sinai's Religious School.
Roberts Adult Education Fund: To provide funding for Temple Sinai's adult education programs.
Joan Bruder Danoff Lecture Fund: To support an annual lecture, preferably in the spring, open to the community, by a leading figure in Jewish literature, arts, and culture.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: To be used at the Rabbi's discretion to support worthy purposes within and outside of Temple Sinai.
Cantor's Discretionary Fund:To be used at the Cantor's discretion to support worthy purposes within and outside of Temple Sinai.
Educator's Discretionary Fund: To be used at the Educator’s discretion to support the educational programs of Temple Sinai.
Morton Alter Caring Fund: To provide flowers, food and other similar items to Temple Sinai families in need of small tokens of assistance or comfort.
Sally Kelman Social Action Fund: Sisterhood-sponsored fund to support homeless and community service programs
Gen Weingrand Sunshine Fund: Contributions are used towards the Mitzvah of bringing ‘cheer’ to members, such as shiva platters, flowers or meals as needed.
Friends of Nashir Fund: To cover the costs associated with Nashir services.
Kweskin Music Fund: To enhance the musical activities of Temple Sinai's spiritual endeavors.
Capital Fund: To fund capital improvements and repairs to Temple Sinai.
Bache/Kaplan Arts and Aesthetics Fund: For aesthetic improvements primarily to Temple Sinai's interior with the exception of the Sanctuary
Cemetery Beautification Fund: To support the physical care and landscape enhancements to the Temple Sinai Cemetery area at Fairfield Memorial Park.
Memorial Wall Fund: Gifts and/or spiritual enhancements to the Sanctuary space.
Schiff Creative Education Fund: To foster innovative and creative experimentation in Jewish education, heritage and traditions.
Danoff Youth Activities Center Fund: To construct, equip, furnish, operate, and maintain a facility within Temple Sinai that is accessible to the congregation and that is designed to provide attractive educational, recreational, worship, and programming space for the youth of the Congregation.
Gibor Fund:To support community-wide programs which unite the disparate components of the Fairfield County Jewish Community
Camp Scholarship Fund: To provide need-based scholarships for member's children to attend URJ-sponsored camps
Library Fund: To purchase books and other materials for Temple Sinai's library.
MITZVAH PROJECTS FUND: To support the activities at the Temple’s annual Mitzvah day event and other mitzvah projects throughout the year.
OTHER PURPOSE: Please specify below
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