What one word best describes what worship means to you? At Temple Sinai we use several. Praying. Meditating. Singing. Cooking. Dancing. Connecting.
We invite you to create a practice that connects your Judaism with your passion. Not sure where to start? We can guide you. Here are just a few of the regular worship programs we offer our congregants. Each one promises a chance to experience the sacred alongside your fellow seekers:
✡ Nashir – Sing– Our contemporary, high-energy musical worship service. Click here to view a recent recording of the service.
✡ First and Third Fridays – The First and Third Friday Shabbat programs are highly interactive, musical, and creative programs which includes an art project on the Third Friday.
✡ Regular weekly services with thoughtful teaching, stories and monthly Torah services
✡ Shabbat morning family services each month where kids can be kids and the material is geared toward all
✡ Zentangle – A visual-art based practice that is as spiritual as it is meditative
✡ Sandwich Making – Pray with your hands by making sandwiches for Stamford’s homeless
✡ Torah Study - Two ways:
Rabbi Eugene B. Borowitz Memorial Bible Study – Weekly Shabbat morning study with others who value the art and tradition of Jewish engagement
Friday Lunch & Learn - Careful reading of the whole Tanach with the guidance of the senior staff members
✡ Mah Jongg/Canasta – The laughter, fun and connection that occurs over our weekly games will become a regular and sacred part of your week
✡ Mussar – A Judaism-informed approach to personal development and character refinement using ancient texts
Come join us.
did you know
Kaddish is offered at ALL of our Shabbat services (except for Tot Shabbat) for anyone who would like to commemorate a loved one.
Temple Sinai is committed to the value of inclusion and strives to make worship services fully accessible.
Our building and bima are wheelchair accessible, and the sanctuary is equipped with assistive listening devices and large-print prayer books.
Remote viewing of most worship services is available via webcasting from our website by clicking "Streaming" in the upper right corner of this page.
Holocaust Scroll #1468
On Loan to Temple Sinai from the Memorial Scrolls Trust of London, England
In 1942 the Nazi occupiers of Czechoslovakia directed that the contents of the country’s synagogues be sent to the Jewish Museum of Prague. Hundreds of Torah scrolls, along with large inventories of gold, silver, and textiles artifacts were accumulated at the museum.
At war’s end Czechoslovakia became a free and independent country, only to then come under Communist control in 1948. The almost 1600 warehoused scrolls were left neglected until 1964 when a London philanthropist, Ralph Yablon, purchased them. At that time,1564 Holocaust scrolls came to London, England.
The Memorial Scrolls Trust was established at that time to ensure that these scrolls would become part of the life of Jewish congregations across the world. Many congregations around the globe are in possession of one of these Torahs.
In 1995, Scroll #1468 was entrusted to Temple Sinai of Stamford, CT. This scroll is from an unknown town in Bohemia or Moravia. It is prominently displayed in an enclosed glass cabinet at the entrance to our sanctuary. We are the keepers of this scroll, and it is our duty to ensure that it remains a memorial to the community that once looked upon it as central to its worship and ritual life.
Here you will find information about the goals and activities of the Memorial Scrolls Trust of London, England. We are proud to serve as the caretakers of Scroll #1468 and the legacy it represents.