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The word “ruach means “spirit” and this congregant-based musical ensemble of singers and instrumentalists is just that, the spirit of our worship offerings. Our monthly Ruach services are a congregational favorite, always sure to set a joyous mood as we welcome in Shabbat with soaring voices and various rousing instruments. Coordinated by Cantor Morgovsky, Paul Storfer and Barbara Orwick, these monthly all-musical services are spiritual and spirited, offering beautiful musical harmonies, familiar melodies, and new arrangements.


RuJu (Temple Sinai’s affectionate term for “Ruach Junior”)

RuJu is our children’s musical ensemble for religious school students in kindergarten through 5th grade. These students, under the direction of Cantor Micah Morgovsky, meet monthly on Sunday mornings to prepare for leading the 6pm First Fridays Service. RuJu’s goals include making beautiful music and learning about Jewish prayer but, most importantly, the members of RuJu enjoy being part of a musical community of children, singing together and enjoying their Judaism through music.  School children of all ages are welcome, no audition required.


Kolot Sinai - The Voices of Sinai

Kolot Sinai is Temple Sinai’s adult volunteer choir. Under the direction of Zachary Kampler, this group participates in four special musical services throughout the year. They sing a wide variety of Jewish choral music and infuse our worship with tremendous spirit and joy. The group rehearses on designated Saturday afternoons leading up to each service. No audition or experience is required, just a love of singing and a positive attitude.


For more information about joining our choir, please contact Cantor Morgovsky at


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784