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Our clergy teach us in so many ways including from the pulpit.  Here you can find their sermons from the holidays.  If you find something in them that touches you, be sure to share it with a friend.  Everything in them is freely available for distribution, we only ask that you preserve proper attribution to Rabbi TelRav or Cantor Morgovsky - in Hebrew, this concept is known as “ b’shem omro - sharing the name of the one who said it.” And if you want to discuss any elements of something you read, do not hesitate to be in touch with them by clicking here

Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5785

Erev Rosh Hashanah - "A Vision from Sinai" - Read it/Watch it

Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5785

Rosh Hashanah Morning - "Judaism's Why" - Read it/Watch it

Kol Nidrei - Israel's Morality - Read it/Watch it

Yom Kippur Morning - The Title of Volume II - Read it/Watch it

Yizkor - The Smell of Memory - Read it/Watch it


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5784

Erev Rosh Hashanah - "A Vision from Sinai" - Read it/Watch it

Rosh Hashanah Morning - "Woke Judaism" - Read it/Watch It

Kol Nidrei - The Cataclysm Sentence - Read it

Yom Kippur Morning - Ain Li Eretz Aheret - Zionism - Read it/Watch it


Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5784

Yizkor - "The Gift of Presence" - Read it/Watch It


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5783

Erev Rosh Hashanah - "Morally Responsible Joy" - Read it/Watch It

Rosh Hashanah Morning - "A Vision of our Future" - Read it/Watch It

Kol Nidrei Sermon - "Try Suffering" - Read it/Watch it

Yom Kippur Morning - "Truth Decay" - Read it/Watch it

Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5783

Yizkor - "The Gift of Presence" - Read it/Watch It


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5782

Erev Rosh Hashanah - "Are We There Yet?" - Read it/Watch it

Rosh Hashanah Morning - "Let Israel Be a Light Unto the Nations" - Read it/Watch it

Kol Nidrei - "Jewish Bravery" - Read it

Yom Kippur - "A Neo-Chasidic Reform Rabbi" - Read it


Cantor Morgovsky and Rabbi TelRav - 5782

Yizkor - "Mourning Alone" - Read it


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5781

Rosh Hashanah - COVID 19 - Read it

Kol  Nidrei - Job - Read it

Yom Kippur Morning - Racism - Read it

Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5781

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Returning Again -  Read It


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5780

Erev Rosh Hashanah - People are Scrolls - Read It
Rosh Hashanah - Christian Zionism - Read it

Kol  Nidrei - Where are all the Angels? - Read it

Yom Kippur Morning - As A Driven Leaf - Watch it/Read it


Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5780

Yizkor - Where the Lost Ones Go -  Read it


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5779

Rosh Hashanah - Growth Happens Here - Read it
Kol Nidrei - Build Yourself a Star - Read it
Yom Kippur - Rate of Change - Read it
Yizkor - Eternal Beacons - Read it


Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5779

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Post Traumatic Growth - Read it


Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5778

Erev Rosh Hashanah - The Problem with Prayer
Rosh Hashanah - It All Depends Upon Me
Kol Nidrei - The Power of the Bond
Yom Kippur - Flexigidity
Yizkor - The Subjunctive
Martin Luther King Jr. -  Next Year in Jerusalem

Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5777

Rosh Hashanah - Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from a moped
Kol NidreiYou Might be a Mussarnik 
Yom KippurWe Are Cosmic Warriors 
YizkorDrinking Alone

Cantor Morgovsky's Sermon 5777

Erev Rosh Hashanah Who Tells Your Story - Read it/Hear it

Rabbi TelRav's Sermons 5775

Rosh Hashanah - Six Little Words


Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785