Joan Bruder Danoff Lecture
Sunday, April 3, 2022 • 2 Nisan 5782
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Temple Sinai will present a conversation with Jodi Rudoren, Editor-in- Chief of The Forward, at the Joan Bruder Danoff Lecture Series on Sunday, April 3 at 4 p.m. The program can be attended either in person or virtually.
Rudoren will discuss Jewish Community, Division, and the Media. In this tumultuous time, to what extent does Jewish media have a responsibility to help heal divisions in the American Jewish community? Rudoren’s views on the current polarization of Jewish communities and beyond, and the role of journalism as a potent antidote have been informed by her extensive career in journalism.
Rudoren became Editor-in-Chief of The Forward, the nation’s oldest independent Jewish news organization in 2019, after more than two decades as a reporter and editor at The New York Times. In her current role, she led the transformation of the storied 123-year-old institution, a non profit, to its digital only presence.
As Jerusalem bureau chief of The New York Times from 2012 to 2016, Rudoren covered two wars between Israel and Gaza, Israeli elections, innumerable terrorist attacks, and Secretary of State John Kerry’s failed peace talks. She also wrote extensively about the Iran nuclear deal, struggles over Israeli national identity, and the deterioration of Palestinian politics.
Rudoren’s journalistic experience has ranged from local and regional in places like New York and Chicago to the international arena, giving her a unique perspective on the layers and meaning of community. Rudoren was a national education correspondent, as well as education editor, deputy international editor and deputy Metropolitan editor. She was the executive producer of the multimedia series “One in a Million,” a project that profiled interesting New Yorkers, which won an Emmy.
Temple Sinai looks forward to hosting Ms. Rudoren and seeing the media and Jewish world through her lens at this critical time in our own communities.
The annual Danoff Lecture series honors Joan Danoff . She and her husband Dr. Stuart Danoff are long time Temple Sinai members. It was endowed by their three children, Will Danoff, Susie Poneman and Nancy Danoff. Joan Danoff is a retired elementary school teacher in the Stamford Public Schools and Stuart Danoff is a retired Stamford pediatrician.
We will have two options to attend this wonderful series this year, both in person and though the Temple Sinai livestream service. For registering in person to attend this year’s event, please register below, for our livestream please click here, if you would like to attend the webinar on Zoom click here.
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